Results For Kelsey Bench-Lake County Wineries Listings

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The Kelsey Bench-Lake County AVA, established October 2, 2013, includes about 9,100 acres of benchland, volcanic soil located between volcanic mountains to the west and an alluvial flood plain to the east. The AVA lies entirely within the larger Clear Lake AVA.

Smiling Dogs Ranch

Smiling Dogs Ranch | Kelseyville, California | Kelsey Bench-Lake County Wineries

cat-icon 6675 Kelseycreek Drive Kelseyville, California 95451

Rosa D’oro Vineyards

Rosa D'oro Vineyards | Kelseyville, California | Kelsey Bench-Lake County Wineries

cat-icon 3155 Merritt Road Kelseyville, California 95451
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